Sunday, January 13, 2013

Manifesto 2.0, yo!

1. If a large corporation were to go out of business, causing severe problems of unemployment and greatly disrupting the market, should the federal government subsidize them?
In my opinion, this depends on how the large corporation behaved in the market before they lost control. If I were the federal government, I would hire economists to evaluate the situation and predict the future of the corporation. If the economists believed that the catastrophe was incidental, and that the business would flourish within a subsidy, then I would provide them the money. On the other hand, if the corporation destroyed itself due to a lack of effort and foolish actions, then I would deny them the right to come back and worsen the economy. However, the federal government needs to be careful in which business they determine is a wise choice for the economy because of the USA's constant increase in expenditures over the years. The national debt has reached an all time high of $16 trillion dollars. The federal government cannot afford to subsidize a corporation that will fail in the market again. This will only lead to an increase in debt, and put the economy at risk for plummeting into depression once more

2. After looking at the 2011 budget (revenues & expenditures), my manifesto leads me to support/criticize it because...
My manifesto leads me to criticize this act of avariciousness because the US cannot control its spending in a constructive manner. I understand that there are certain expenditures that are absolutely necessary; however,  there are plenty of other unnecessary expenditures that are being pushed against the debt clock. The US total revenue has not even come close to meeting the total amount in billions spent on expenditures. We have to fix this problem now, or it will only get worse guaranteed. For example, if the US government taxed large corporations higher, the percentage of total revenue would increase. In addition, if the US government cut back on Medicare and Medicaid, the expenditure percentage would lower; therefore, helping lessen the national debt. Overall, Congress needs to discover a solution, or anticipate that the problem will not subside with US involvement. The goal may not be reached for a number of years, but it takes effort now to abolish our debt, for future generations to come.

3. In keeping with my manifesto and after watching the movie I.O.U.S.A. explain the debt crisis faced by our nation, I propose the following solution...
I propose that the US government cuts back on unnecessary expenditures, and involves each US citizen with their insight on the issue. This provides multiple perspectives on the subject. In addition, I would recommend speaking with China and working out a solution to paying back our debt overtime. We'd have to also be patient and persistent, in order to see results over the course of many years. Congress would need to be on the same level as US citizens, and attempt to make a difference through taxes and lower-class assisting laws. It would also be ideal to create an alliance with China, to prevent any possible sparks for World War III, due to our incompetence with money. Whoever believes that we should just leave the economy as it is, and expect to see positive results, is crazy. The main issue here is ignorance. We have to realize now that this is a serious problem. Our future generations of people depend on it. USatiur rpthis xe e ,zycra

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

IOUSA in 2024, yo!

   I am 30, the US continued its path on greediness, and steadily increased our national debt. We are way over $16,000,000,000,000 in debt to other countries. The economy definitely became worse over the course of 12 years. I am married now, and have a child of my own. For a living, I am a psychologist and I sing opera in my spare time. But, these steep tax increases have drastically decreased my middle class living environment. Tax increases were made to attempt to appease the rising national debt, but no such luck was produced. Healthcare is extremely high and inflation has occurred. due to the fiscal cliffs each year. Home equity is ridiculous and property taxes are as high as they ever have been.
 In addition, everyday prices on essential goods are overpriced and there is a tax on purchasing any items in Oregon. My family lives pay check to pay check and we have no extra money to spend on ourselves. The US has not learned its lesson on over-spending, and because of this, citizens are suffering to a preposterous amount. I am so perplexed at how the US government lacked the effort to create a intelligent solution to this torturous epidemic. Selfishness and a temporary easy lifestyle nurtured our debt and its outcome is devastating. I do not know if we will be able to change, but I pray for the sake of my future grandchildren, we do.

 Why can't the government work together and really put in the effort to fix our feeble nation?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Toyota Prius Research Paper with Works Cited Page yo!

Toyota Prius
By: Sarah Derhalli
The Toyota Prius is a household name that has become a legend since 2001. A small idea became one of the most ingenious creations in automotive history. From the moment the Prius was debuted on the market, it has been the world’s most favored hybrid. On the other hand, all of the progress the vehicle has made would obviously result in consumer’s substantial desire for the car. Due to the uniqueness of the Toyota Prius, there is a constant demand in the market for the popular hybrid; however, Toyota lacks the ability to produce enough Prius's.
In 1994, Akihiro Wada, executive vice president of Toyota Motor Sales Company, summoned a group of Toyota engineers to construct a vehicle with twice the amount of fuel efficiency compared to other modern automobiles. This idea came true in 1997 when Toyota debuted the first ever Prius in Japan. Shortly after that, a second generation Prius was born and it was even more powerful and efficient than the first generation. This was the model introduced in the US in 2001. Many Americans favored the hybrid and it became a hot-ticket item in the marketplace. The third generation Prius hybrid earned several awards in 2003, and Toyota Motor Sales, US President Jim Press declared it was the “hottest car they had ever sold”. A successful journey would soon unfurl as the infant Prius would become a family name.
The Prius hybrid came with exclusive interior features compared to more contemporary cars. For example, the Prius included seven airbags that encompass dual front, front side, and curtain as well as driver’s knee bag; cruise control; key-less start; automatic headlights; and a steering wheel with multifunction buttons to operate stereo sound system. The Prius also could be upgraded with the Advanced Technology package which provided: self-parking system; leather seats; LED headlights; sunroof complete with solar panels; and climate control AC. There are also three other drives modes to commute in, “normal” “power” and “eco”. Normal mode uses both gasoline and the electric battery evenly. Power mode leans more toward gasoline than electricity. Eco mode employs the electric battery. According to customers, the steering is light, fuel economy is impressive, and driving over humps is quite comfortable. These elite luxurious technological cabin features enticed consumer’s tastes.
Furthermore, the gas mileage a Prius could produce was exemplary. The average mpg of a Prius hybrid is approximately 50 miles per gallon. Recent tests have been completed to prove that its newly released product Pulstar™ on the hybrid, demonstrated improved fuel economy by 3 mpg. Over the years, the Toyota Prius became the nation’s bestselling hybrid. Many other car companies have adopted the idea of a vehicle run by half gasoline, half battery, but the Prius remains today at the top of the market.
However, because of the constant growth in consumer preference towards the Toyota Prius and other factors, there has been a shortage in supply. As a result of the luxurious hybrid features, excellent gas mileage, and commendable safety characteristics, the sale of Prius’ have drastically increased, but the supply has decreased. The majority of the issue is tandem with the somewhat fast rise in gas prices. In 2008, US demand for the car surpassed supplies, which made the vehicle extremely limited to find; consequently, catapulting the prices upward. This was when gasoline reached an all-time high of $4.11. Toyota said that because of the rarity in battery and electric engine supplies, they would only sell 150,000 Prius in the US during the course of that year.
Toyota has become intrigued on the idea of using a lithium ion battery instead of petrol in order to wean off fossil fuels in the future. Currently, nickel-metal hydride batteries are exercised in most hybrids, including the Toyota Prius. Toyota has designed a new technological invention that may be able to greatly expand the storage capacity of lithium ion batteries; moreover, better and more efficient electric cars would be made. The intent of this creation is to produce a ten times stronger car battery in each Toyota. With this advance, each Toyota vehicle could recede in size, and weight. However, there are some risks and dangers to using a lithium ion battery such as: overheating, explosions, poor performance in extremely low or high temperatures, electrical shorts, and significantly higher cost of manufacturing each battery. An ideal battery pack would not require the need for temperature regulation with specified heating and cooling; additionally, it had to be affordable. Therefore, Toyota did further development and decided to delay the new Prius hybrid with a lithium ion battery until 2011.
Toyota Prius V has just come out and is ready to take on the world with its new lithium ion battery. As a sibling of the Prius family, this new generation of the car has a taller and more spacious body. Inside, there are: seat belt indicators for each seat, seven airbags, stability control, capacious rear doors, and three drive modes. The electric motor does a nice job before using the engine in eco mode. This car is made for a typical family of four and is constructed for mostly city driving.
Compared to the Prius V, the Prius C is the cheapest hybrid car on the market. This vehicle is designed for local commute around the city and the occasional hour long trips. Unlike its competitive siblings, the Prius C has lots of room for storage, and is slightly more comfortable to drive in. The interior quality is also impressive. Although the car is smaller, this makes it easier for the driver to park.
Today, market demand continues to persist for the world’s most popular hybrid and Toyota has reopened the Prius line in Japan after production interruptions and parts shortages. But, improvements are constantly being made and there are new Prius’ on the way to impress even more loyal consumers.

                                                                  Works Cited Page

    By: Sarah Derhalli

"Environmentally Friendly Automobiles." American Decades: 2000-2009. Ed. Eric Bargeron and James F. Tidd, Jr. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 445-446. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.

"Hands On with the New 60 MPG Toyota Prius." PC Magazine Online 27 Mar. 2009. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 3 Dec. 2012.

Healey, James R. "Prius sales pass 1 million as more drivers seek hybrids." USA Today 7 Apr. 2011: 01B. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 29 Nov. 2012.

"Just When You Thought a Toyota Prius Couldn't Get Greener." PR Newswire 28 Apr. 2008. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.

"Prius fever hits, driving prices up." UPI NewsTrack 30 June 2008. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 29 Nov. 2012.

"Rivals team up on green battery." Sydney Morning Herald [Sydney, Australia] 2 Dec. 2011: 4. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 3 Dec. 2012.

SHIROUZU, NORIHIKO. "Toyota's hybrid plan stalls." Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada] 9 Aug. 2007: B1. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 3 Dec. 2012.
"TOYOTA PRIUS C." Sydney Morning Herald [Sydney, Australia] 12 May 2012: 31. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.

"TOYOTA PRIUS." Age [Melbourne, Australia] 26 Sept. 2009: 5. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 27 Nov. 2012.

"TOYOTA PRIUS V." Sydney Morning Herald [Sydney, Australia] 14 July 2012: 21. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 4 Dec. 2012.

"Toyota steps up race to drive further on batteries." New Zealand Herald [Auckland, New Zealand] 3 Sept. 2009: 5. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 3 Dec. 2012.

Woodyard, Chris. "Some Prius prices top sticker price." USA Today 16 May 2011: 01B. Gale Student Resources In Context. Web. 29 Nov. 2012.

Monday, December 3, 2012

"Fiscal Cliff" yo

  What is a fiscal cliff? A fiscal cliff is an automatic $500 billion tax increase and across the US spending cuts scheduled to take effect after Jan. 1st. This means taxes would rise for nearly every taxpayer and numerous businesses. Federal program financing would be cut as well as military and domestic programs. Economists say that a quick, sharp cut to the economy would create a weak economy. The unemployment compensation program is expiring, and this would save the US $26 billion, but this would end all payments/benefits to unemployed US citizens. Medicare payments to physicians would also be reduced to 27%. 
  In addition to the fiscal cliff, what is a payroll tax holiday? A payroll tax holiday is a tax cut that reduces social security tax by 2% as well as creates the benefit to working citizens by lowering their tax payments. For example, a person who makes $50,000 the payroll tax holiday works out to be about $20 a week. The more money one has, the more they can purchase necessary item such as: food, clothes, water, housing. This payroll tax holiday is beneficiary to the economy because of the increase in spending money each week. 
  What is the AMT? Alternative minimum tax is an extra amount of money that is placed on top of the original income tax. The intentions of this idea was to prevent the wealthy class from paying little to no tax, and claiming special tax benefits. However, everyone is now a potential target for this tax. The AMT provides an alternative set of rules for calculating one's income tax. If you're already paying regular tax, you do not have to pay AMT tax.
  What is the sequester? The sequester is a package of automatic spending cuts that total up to $1.2 trillion. These cuts evenly split up between defense spending and discretionary domestic spending. According to the New White house report, the US is expected to have $109 billion in cuts, for the 2013 year. Why is the sequester hated upon by most US citizens? Well, these cuts are intended to hit all affected programs equally. This aggravates legislators because they have make budget deals in order to avoid the cuts. The sequester can be avoided, but only if Congress passes another budget deal that would achieve at least $1.2 trillion.  

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Manifesto, yo!

  In my opinion, I believe that the government should be somewhat involved in economic activity within the market economy because this prevents stock market recession/ depression. The last thing our country needs is to plummet into another depression and portray weakness to communist countries. An economic depression would also increase our national debt; therefore, emphasizing on the need to start World War III. Furthermore, government involvement in economic activity would be wise. However, economic activity would still be very flexible and consumer's would not be obligated to purchase certain items. The free- reign of the market economy would continue to exist, but with slight government involvement in order to provide the optimal possibility for an economic landslide.
  Taxes are what provides services to the poor and unemployed as well as benefiting the government. However, the idea that the middle class should be heavily taxed is simply immoral. Middle class citizens have only a little extra money to spend after purchasing the necessities of life. But my question is why is the wealthy class not heavily taxed when they have thousands left over? Taxes should be used to slowly pay off our national debt and provide a little healthcare (not go Obama care crazy); not to appease wall street officials for Hawaiian vacations!
  In my manifesto, the government would provide basic healthcare to all without increasing taxes on the middle class. I believe that healthcare is important, but the amount that citizens ask for is a little selfish. What I mean by this is certain Americans choose to be unemployed and lazy, while expecting hardworking citizens to spoon feed them through life. On the other hand, hardworking citizens who cannot afford healthcare should be able to receive basic healthcare. In addition, I strongly believe in job creation because this either plateaus or decreases the percentage of unemployment. Who would not want a decrease in unemployment?
  Do you know what I find ridiculous? The No Child Left Behind Act. Now, if they child is mentally disabled or has a certain condition, I do believe in this act. But, if the child chooses to fail and not work hard for a strong education, why the heck should we allow them to move up a grade? For example, as a parent, if your child is misbehaving, don't you put them in time-out in order to eradicate the behavior? Or do you encourage the behavior, and even provide praise?! This is the exact same thing! Allowing a child that is purposely failing to move up a grade is absolutely ridiculous! For the government, this increases money and time for schools to catch the child up in the curriculum. So they move on, acting stupid!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Minimum Wage, yo

    In my opinion, I believe that the Federal minimum wage should be set to $8.50 per hour because this allows all working Americans to live in the middle class and not be subjected to poverty. This price permits employers to hire enough people to help maintain a business, as well as sustain satisfaction within the workers. Happy workers create faster, more efficient production; therefore, machines do not have to run all night. This reduces the cost of electricity bills. The minimum wage currently is $7.25 per hour. I do not think this is enough for Americans to live a happy life, without being on the borderline of poverty. The government should be considering the idea of raising the minimum wage slightly, in order to benefit Americans. However, raising the minimum wage could increase the price in housing and property tax. Would this still force millions of Americans into poverty?

Price Floors, yo

   I agree to the idea of price floors in our economy because it ensures the yearly profit for certain businesses. For example, farmers who grow wheat, corn and soybeans are guaranteed a profit for their farm because of the economy's ability to increase motivation in supply. With the government's control on how low crops can be charged, the price floor becomes greater than the equilibrium price. However, this decreases demand; therefore, this results in a surplus amount of goods. On the other hand, within a few short years, this change in the market economy will eventually balance out, and demand will have to fluctuate to the price crops are set. Due to an inelastic demand for wheat, corn and soybeans, consumer's will have to fluctuate to the increase in price, in order to remain healthy.