Friday, November 16, 2012

My Manifesto, yo!

  In my opinion, I believe that the government should be somewhat involved in economic activity within the market economy because this prevents stock market recession/ depression. The last thing our country needs is to plummet into another depression and portray weakness to communist countries. An economic depression would also increase our national debt; therefore, emphasizing on the need to start World War III. Furthermore, government involvement in economic activity would be wise. However, economic activity would still be very flexible and consumer's would not be obligated to purchase certain items. The free- reign of the market economy would continue to exist, but with slight government involvement in order to provide the optimal possibility for an economic landslide.
  Taxes are what provides services to the poor and unemployed as well as benefiting the government. However, the idea that the middle class should be heavily taxed is simply immoral. Middle class citizens have only a little extra money to spend after purchasing the necessities of life. But my question is why is the wealthy class not heavily taxed when they have thousands left over? Taxes should be used to slowly pay off our national debt and provide a little healthcare (not go Obama care crazy); not to appease wall street officials for Hawaiian vacations!
  In my manifesto, the government would provide basic healthcare to all without increasing taxes on the middle class. I believe that healthcare is important, but the amount that citizens ask for is a little selfish. What I mean by this is certain Americans choose to be unemployed and lazy, while expecting hardworking citizens to spoon feed them through life. On the other hand, hardworking citizens who cannot afford healthcare should be able to receive basic healthcare. In addition, I strongly believe in job creation because this either plateaus or decreases the percentage of unemployment. Who would not want a decrease in unemployment?
  Do you know what I find ridiculous? The No Child Left Behind Act. Now, if they child is mentally disabled or has a certain condition, I do believe in this act. But, if the child chooses to fail and not work hard for a strong education, why the heck should we allow them to move up a grade? For example, as a parent, if your child is misbehaving, don't you put them in time-out in order to eradicate the behavior? Or do you encourage the behavior, and even provide praise?! This is the exact same thing! Allowing a child that is purposely failing to move up a grade is absolutely ridiculous! For the government, this increases money and time for schools to catch the child up in the curriculum. So they move on, acting stupid!

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